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Friday, September 14, 2012

New Shoes!

I bought new shoes today!  They're Brooks Pure Cadence.  I drove over to Fleet Feet in Altamonte in 5:00 traffic, but it was worth it.  Daniel helped me and did a great job.  I really like that store.  He thinks my blisters might be from over pronation, so he set me up in some Brooks Pure Cadence shoes.  They’re def different looking, but I’m excited to try them.  He also gave me tighter socks to wear, so hopefully they won’t rub as much.

I’ve heard it’s a bad idea to run long distance in new shoes, but at this point, they can’t hurt much worse than what I’m already wearing, so I’m going to give it a shot.  They have a slightly lower incline, they are super lightweight and have a nav band that goes across the top of your foot to help keep it secure.  No more pulling my laces so tight you can barely see them.

After we picked out shoes for 45 minutes, he helped me choose some running aids.  I grabbed a sample package of Recoverite (Hammer) and a few Gu's to try.  One thing I've been doing wrong is drinking the Nuun with the Stingers.  Apparently, you are not supposed to have two electrolyte items at the same time.  He agreed that I'm probably having too much sodium.  This week I'm going to cut back to 1/2 a Nuun on Friday and 1/2 Nuun Saturday morning, plus lots and lots of water.

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