Fundraising Link

Please donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through this link:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fundraising at Work

This is the fundraising letter I sent to my co-workers.  Not the most professional, I know, but I thought it was hilarious.  After I wrote it, I realize that I'm a bit of a trouble maker.  Either way, they donated $600 today!!  So maybe being rotten is worth it so you have something to barter when you need to.  :) 

>>My co-workers are wonderful and I was Really impressed by their generosity and encouragement today.  Except for one who said he was only donating because he knew running 26 miles would be painful for me lol He MAY have been the one I did all of those rotten things to though<<

As some of you may already know, I signed up to run the Nike Women’s Marathon this October to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).  You may think (or say) that I’m crazy, but here’s why I signed up:

The dad of a close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma.  She asked me to run this marathon with her to raise money for cancer research and I quickly accepted the challenge, knowing that this cause not only helps my friend, but millions of other families as well.  As part of that commitment, I’ve pledged to raise at least $3,200 over the next 5 months.  After learning that XYZ will match contributions of $50 or more, I realize that I only need 32 XYZ employees to donate $50!!  Think of what $50 means – not going out to dinner one night, setting aside some of your vacation gambling money (or winning an additional $50), not seeing a movie at the theater, skipping a pedicure or two, etc…

In return for your contributions – I promise to be a nicer person (generally), to buy a real gift at next year’s Christmas party, to not turn your family photo’s upside down, put tape under your mouse, move things on your desk to annoy you or steal the wheels off your chair…. Oh yeah, plus I’ll run 26.2 miles in a single day.  I think that’s a pretty fair trade.

Please use the link below to find our more information about my journey and to make a secure, tax-deductible contribution.  Then visit Matching and enter your information so that XYZ will match your contribution. 

Thank you all very much,

p.s. I’m putting a time limit on my above promises.  I’ll be good until the end of the year.  J

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